Friday, January 15, 2010

Trying to find a groove...

It's been awhile...again.

It s hard to get into a groove with writing in here. It's odd because everyday at work I seem to find new things to write about and I tell myself that I am going to write about "this and that" when I get home, but never do. I also think of new ideas to put into my new story that I plan on writing...but I never actually sit down and actually start writing the damn thing.

Been reading a lot of Stephen king...A LOT. One thing that he said that I find interesting and worrisome when it comes to writing: "If you don't use it, you lose it."

I used to write ALL THE TIME. When I say ALL THE TIME, I actually mean ALL THE TIME. Back when I was a teen a more of an "emo kid" I had various stories, various journals, and various journal entries. It's crazy to go back an look on that stuff now. I laugh at myself at how emotional I was! But I think all that writing helped me a lot, it brought out feelings that I was nervous to tell anyone, or just feelings I didn't want to tell anyone...because I was young, and didn't truly know how to deal with all that jazz.

Writing was an escape perhaps. But my writing was definitely something I was looking to do as a career. Yet one Creative Writing class in college, receiving a D grade, and all those ugly red marks on every paper I wrote, turned me off faster than I realized.

I had certain people read my stuff...even my personal journal stuff every now and then (you lucky people know who you are!). It was good from time to time to have someone else go..."why were you thinking this?"

My big thing right now is trying to start to create another story. I have this general idea in my head...I've had it for the better of 3 months I'd say. Like I stated before, in the early 5AM's of my job, I have been thinking of little idea's and problems to throw into the story.

My dilemma is now getting into that mindset at home, here in my room. I have moved my laptop, started listening to some "tune-skis", and now I'm writing in my blog...interesting how that works....

The next problem I will have is actually finishing the story. If I look back on all the things I began written wise back in my mid-teens, there are probably over 5 stories that I began, wrote 2-10 pages, then stopped. Not sure what the reasons were. Just stopped and turned to something else.

But! Here is to me trying to actually start writing again. I think everyone would enjoy hearing from me every now and then. Facebook might take away some of my desire since all I need to do is write a brief paragraph of about 200 words to sum up my day and what I'm doing. Twitter would do the same, if I could access it, and I would too, if I could. But maybe if I keep Facebook status updates to generally funny things, things that come up quickly...and this blog to bigger ideals, more serious statements, and just things with generally more information and feeling behind them....maybe I can get something rolling.

So here we go, join me won't you? I'm going to try to make this at least a weekly stop...and hopefully the story I plan to start, at least outline today, will become as much of an occurrence.

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