Monday, December 15, 2008

Pass or Play?

The Family Feud.

It comes on a few times on and after 10 in the morning and even though I can't really listen to the TVs at work, I still watch it from time to time...just to pass the time.

But something gets to me every time I watch that program.

The show begins by two people from each team coming up to a buzzer in the middle of the floor with the host asking a question, having them list the top 4-7 top answers of 100 people. Whoever buzzes first and/or correctly picks the top answer wins the ability for his/her team to either pass onto the other team or play and try to find the other remaining answers.

Well everyone always "plays"...always.

I watched the show today for a half hour and this one family, who actually ended up winning the game because the other family was just awful, would "play" every time they won the first opening buzzer question. 3 times they won, 3 times they couldn't fill the entire board, and once they only got one answer of 7...that answer coming from the very first person who answered the very first challenge question to gain control.

Now like I said, it was a good thing for them that the other family was "turrible" and couldn't find a decent answer to steal any points away...but I still don't understand why you can't look at each other and say "I have no idea what any of these answers will be...and there's no way that they'll get them either."

Now sure, I understand that if you even get one this family did...and the other family can't get an answer either...then you win the small amount of points that come with your answer. But if you can strategically pass off the "big boards" I'll call them, those with 7 possible answers, and play the "smaller boards" with only can win more points in a quicker amount of time. Plus, giving the 7 board answers to the other family, gives you the whole time to find a great answer between your whole family or whoever you picked to join you on your side, to steal the points away. The longer the game goes, the more points the answers become in the game...I just don't understand going for answers when you have no idea what is going on.

The family that I was talking about who won the first round of the game did not win the $20,000 possible at the end of the kidding? This part of the show you pick 2 people, one at a time goes, and they have to give their best answer to 6 questions in a certain amount of time. Then the second person goes and if you can get 200 points, you win $20,000. Well after one person they had 17 points....17 points! Being around 100 is ideal because well, that's halfway to 200...which splits it up nice. I think they ended with around 89 or so points...but it was just a disaster. Thing is, they get to come back again after winning, because that's the perk you get...lucky them. Those rag-tag group of individuals will get walloped by a family with a decent amount of social knowledge....its ridiculous.

I'm just saying, this is my opinion. I'm sure if I had to pick people to come on me with that show it would be my gf, 2 brothers, mom and dad...which is how I'm sure everyone picks it. But with that group I would hope we could get some good answers. And we would be smart about whether to "pass or play"

"We'll pass"


Anonymous said...

I thought you are only allowed to have 5 people for family feud...perhaps im wrong...reading your blog is distracting me from studying...

Anonymous said...
